Attitude of the teacher:

 Unlike traditional classrooms where the teacher is at the center of the classroom giving instruction, Montessori teachers are specially trained “observers” helping to guide children as they pursue activities independently. Each child is at the center of the Montessori classroom. The teacher’s role is only to enable the learning process and experience for each child.

 To work in a Montessori environment is very unlike “teaching” in the traditional sense of the word. Montessori teachers do not teach. Instead, they guide; they observe; they create an environment of calm, order, joy. They know when to intervene, and above all, they know when to step back. This knowledge isn’t something most people are born with, but it is something you’ll learn during your training.

 Montessori teachers are referred to as guides because they are experts at assisting children to find their own strengths and their own capabilities through the use of practical, self-correcting materials. The Montessori teacher is adept at leading from behind. It’s an art, a skill, an ability.
Children experience dramatic changes that require different environments to meet their developmental needs. Dr. Montessori compares this process to the metamorphosis that a caterpillar undergoes to become a butterfly. Those who have completed a teacher training understand and see what it means to “believe in the child,” and how to best help all children discover the joys of learning.

One large part of what a Montessori teacher does is to intentionally prepare a classroom environment that is developmentally appropriate, is inviting to children, and supports them on their journey to work independently.  This environment is constantly changing in tiny ways as the teacher notices new and evolving needs of the children.

Montessori Teachers…
 respect children as individuals with unique plans for development.
 create a calm and joyful atmosphere in an environment that allows each child to connect to productive  work.
 give engaging presentations with Montessori materials that the children will use on their own.
 lead the child towards independence and social responsibility.
 assist children to progress at their own pace and gradually discover their potential while helping them to help themselves.

Maria Montessori once said, “The greatest sign of success for a to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’”....... that is why it is necessary for the teacher to be well-prepared.